Waterside Day Care

Welcome to Waterside Day Care

“Be inspired by our creative learning adventure….”

Waterside is a purpose-built building situated within the Norcot Early Years Centre site in Tilehurst at the end of Lyndhurst Road. It is fully resourced with age appropriate equipment.


Waterside has an office, reception area, kitchen and the rest of the building is split into three areas;


Bumblebees Babies:    3 months-20 months

Bumblebees:               20 months-35 months

Dragonflies:                3 years-5 years.


The outdoor garden has a covered area, playhouse, climbing frame, vegetable garden, and child friendly plants providing an exciting and stimulating area.


Waterside is registered with and regularly inspected by Ofsted. Waterside will meet all standards required to enable parents to access the 2, 3 and 4-year-old funding provided by the Government through Reading Borough Local Education Authority.

"The team are all fantastic. Our children are incredibly happy, and we trust the team implicitly. We know that they are being well looked after and their meals are amazing. Thank you."

Parent Survey July 2022

"I feel like we are treated as family at Norcot, every single staff member is so kind and helpful, everyone truly cares about our children and us, it so reassuring dropping off my child in the mornings. We are so glad that we got a space with you, it is definitely the best nursery around!"

Parent feedback October 2023

How to Apply

More About Us

Mealtimes in Waterside Day Care

Mealtimes provide an excellent opportunity for children to practice motor skills, develop communication and cognitive skills and support social and emotional development.

The children help to set the tables ready for lunch and tea and we encourage them to serve themselves at mealtimes and pour their water from little jugs on each table.

We like our children to learn through food and they have weekly session cooking with our chef using our purpose built childrens' cooking area where they get to measure out ingredients and explore cultural foods and discover new tastes.

We have a seasonal menu compiled by our in house chef and the menu rotates on a 4 week basis.  We cater for all special dietary needs.

Meals are served as follows:

Time Meal
08:00am - 08:30am Breakfast
10:00am Snack
11:45am - 12:15pm Lunch
2:45pm snack
4:30pm - 5:00pm Tea

Sample menus can be found on links below

Winter Menu Week 1 Winter Menu Week 2 Winter Menu Week 3 Winter Menu Week 4


Waterside Fees 2024/25

Our fees are inclusive of nappies, wipes , milk powder for babies and all food.

Invoices will be sent out by email in the last week of each month for the following month’s fees and can be paid by childcare choices account, childcare vouchers or bank transfer. Please speak to a member of the office staff if you require further information.

We expect payment within 2 weeks of receiving your invoice. If you do not clear the invoice by the end of each month, we reserve the right to suspend or withdraw your place. We also reserve the right to pursue any debt with legal action. Please speak to us if there are any circumstances you wish us to consider.

We charge for 52 weeks per year which includes bank holidays and staff training days. 

Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy for Waterside Day Care

Session Times

Session Time from Time to
Morning 08:00 12:30
Afternoon 12:30 18:00
Short Day 08:00 16:00
Full Day 08:00 18:00


8.00 - Waterside opens.

8.00 - 8.30: Breakfast

8.30  - 9.45        

Children are encouraged to take part in free play and planned Learning Opportunities that includes outside play.

9:45 - 10:00 - Tidy up time.

10:00:    Snack.

Group time covering a range of topics from the EYFS such as PSED, Physical, Communication, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, and Expressive Art and Design.        

10:15 - 11.30     

Planned and organised Learning Opportunities as well as free play inside and outside. Children help set up dinner places at the tables.

11:30 - 11:45     

Group time including stories, singing and discussion

11:45 - 12:15:   Lunch.

12.15 - 14.45       

Sleep/rest time for children who need it with quiet learning opportunities provided for older children. Free play including creative learning opportunities. 

Group time including stories, music, movement and singing       

14:45 - 15.00        Snack


Free play and structured/focus activities and indoor/outdoor play.


Group time including stories, music, movement and singing   

16:30 - 17:00:      Tea time

17:00 - 18:00       Free play

18:00                    Waterside closes

The routines are subject to change as we like to be flexible and adapt to the children’s needs.

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