Wraparound Care and Holiday Club

Wraparound Care

Here at Norcot we offer full Wraparound care to cover the hours of 8am - 6pm, subject to availability, in the form of Breakfast, Snack and Tea Club for children aged three and above only. 


Lunch club is required for children that attend 30 hours. Part-time children can book for the term. We may limit places for part-time children in the summer term due to staffing requirements.


The clubs have a warm, friendly, family centred atmosphere and we prepare activities for the children to enjoy both inside and out in the garden.

Sessions and Fees (From Sept '24)

All bookings are subject to availability:

After School Club (available Tues, Weds, Thurs) 3.00pm - 4.00pm                                                           £7.70


Tea Club (available Tues, Weds, Thurs) 3.00pm - 6.00pm                  £23.30

Friday Afternoon Session

11.15 - 15.00                           £28.90

Terms and Conditions

  • All bookings are subject to availability
  • Bookings must be made one term in advance and a monthly invoice will be issued for payment
  • All ad-hoc booking requests are for emergencies only and at the discretion of the Head.
  • All booked places must be paid for. Fees are due even if your child is away unwell or on holiday
  • Non-payment of fees will result in the place being withdrawn and legal proceedings may follow for recovery of payment


Please note that Ofsted require us to hold an application form for each child in Wraparound as staff may not have access to the office whilst clubs are open in case we need contact details for you. Please contact the office if you require an application and booking form for Wraparound care.

Wraparound Booking Form

Holiday Club

We offer an inclusive holiday club for children who currently attend Norcot or who have previously attended Norcot and are aged between 3 years and 4 years 11 months at the time of the holiday club. We aim to provide fun activities and will care for all children, whatever their need.

Holiday Club is open from 8am-6pm every school holiday with the exception of specific days such as Bank Holidays and the week between Christmas and New Year when the whole Centre is closed.

Activities at the club are planned in advanced, and we aim to provide a balance of physical, mental and manipulative activities, with every opportunity to play cooperatively in large or small groups.

Children will also have the opportunity for quiet time and reflection.

Sessions and Fees

Morning 8am – 12.30pm (Breakfast and Lunch Included) £35.15


Afternoon - 12.30pm – 6pm (tea included) £42.96


Short Day - 8am – 4pm (Breakfast and Lunch included) £62.50


Full Day - 8am – 6pm (Breakfast, Lunch and Tea included) £75.20

Terms and Conditions

· All bookings are subject to availability. We will confirm your request on receipt of your completed form and payment.

· All booked places must be paid for at the time of booking.

· Extra sessions requested are at the discretion of the holiday club supervisor and payment must be made direct to our bank. The holiday club staff are not permitted to handle cash payments.

· Non-payment of fees may result in legal proceedings for the recovery of payment.

· Booked sessions cannot be swapped for another session if your child does not attend.

· Any session not attended cannot be refunded or carried forward to another holiday booking.


Booking information is sent out in the term before the Holiday Club and places are offered on a first come, first served basis.

Bookings for Summer Holiday Club are now open and are on a first come, first served basis.  Spaces are limited.  The closing date for bookings is 12 noon Friday 5th July.

Summer Holiday Club Flyer Summer Holiday Club Booking Form Holiday Club Terms and Conditions
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