What is SEND?

A child has Special Educational Needs if they have:


a)    Significant learning difficulties in comparison to the majority of children of the same age     

b)    A disability which prevents or hinders them  from using educational facilities generally provided for different children of the same age.

Special Educational Provision is provision which is additional to or different from the educational provision made for children of the same age in a mainstream setting within four key areas; Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Sensory or Physical Needs.

Norcot Inclusion Charter

We believe that all children, regardless of background, heritage, language, faith, tradition, sexual orientation, being more able, being disadvantaged or those that have additional needs or barriers to learning who attend Norcot Early Years Centre should be included in all aspects of Centre’s life and have the best possible individual outcome. As part of this, we will ensure that:

  • Our everyday practice reflects our diverse community, regardless of their background, heritage, language, faith, religion and individualities and we celebrate, value and embrace our differences.
  • we support pupil premium and disadvantaged families by enhancing their children’s cultural capital experiences, and offering children experiences that they may not otherwise get the opportunity to participate in.
  • we celebrate the uniqueness of every child and provide an accessible, relevant and motivating curriculum within our welcoming, warm and friendly centre.
  • careful assessment and deep knowledge of each child enables the creation of a personalised response, celebrating individual strengths and achievements and identifying barriers to learning.
  • we provide a personalised response through the provision of high quality, researched-based interventions.
  • all pupils with SEND have a Personalised Education Plan (PEP) with SMART targets that are up-dated termly.

  • we build relationships at a child’s level through our inclusive strategies such as intensive interaction, PECs and supporting sensory regulation. 
  • We provide further challenge and opportunities for those who are more able.
  • We value and promote home language through building relationships with families and seek the support from interpreters when necessary.
  • we work closely with families, listening to their concerns and ensuring they are supported and remain fully informed of their child’s progress, needs and any strategies we are using.
  • we work closely with outside agencies seeking and applying their specialist advice to further enhance our personalised response.
  • we create an inclusive environment across the nursery tailoring the indoor and outdoor classroom, the resources and adult response to meet the pupils individual need. 
  • our inclusive environment enables all children to feel safe and valued.
  • our inclusive focus remains the responsibility of all of the staff team, creating a unified approach.
  • all staff receive regular training to deepen their awareness of safeguarding and SEND needs to enhance their skills.


This will create inclusive culture that provides a nurturing environment which enables children to reach their full potential and where everyone’s mental health and well-being is at the core.

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