March 2025
Jan 2025
The Nature Discovery Centre in Thatcham, Berkshire have events taking place during the February half term. Please click on the link for more information:
Website link -
Put your wildlife knowledge to the test and pit your wits against a menagerie of puzzles and games in this escape room style family day out.
Bring your tots to the NDC for a special session on dinosaurs where they can take part in outdoor nature play, stories, trails and crafts.
Please note we are not affiliated with the Discovery Centre, we are happy to pass on information for events that families may be interested in.
We have received a request from a PhD student to share the below information and attachments. If you would like to take part, please read all the information and contact Miss Holroyd direct if you have any queries.
We are looking for parents with 3-5 year olds that live in and surrounding Reading to take part in our GutLink4Kids Study.
This link: and entering the code FXJ39THNY, OR scanning the QR code in attached flyer will direct parents to an information sheet (also attached to this email if you would like to know more details). If parents be happy, they can continue to complete a 2 minute qualifying questionnaire, which will allow us to decide if they can help us ????
Should they agree to take part in our study, they will come to the university for an hour to answer some questionnaires (approx. 40 mins) about themselves and their child and be sent home with a simple stool sample collection kit.
While I will personally meet with parents, they will be given a unique ID number so that their data is anonymised. At no point will we need to see or know the name of their child - they will remain anonymous.
Anyone who takes part will be compensated for their time.
We would be very grateful if your school/establishment would be happy to distribute our recruitment leaflet to parents of this age group. We can provide printed copies if needed, alternatively, I have attached a copy to this email.
Please do let me know if you have any questions and we thank you in advance.
Kirsty Holroyd
PhD Student
University of Reading
School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences
Oct 2024
Action for all settings: Review water beads product safety alert
The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) has issued a Product Safety Alert to warn of the risks that water beads pose to children and vulnerable adults.
The alert advises that water beads should be kept away from children under five, and only used with older children or vulnerable adults under close supervision. They are marketed for various purposes, including for use as toys and in crafting. Water beads can expand up to 400 times when exposed to liquid.
When swallowed, they expand and can block the gastrointestinal passage, potentially requiring surgery. They can also cause choking and have harmed children in the UK, with reports linking them to deaths overseas.
If it is suspected that a water bead has been swallowed, medical help should be sought immediately.
Dear All
Our AGM is on Wednesday, 23rd October 2024, 7 pm - 8.30 pm at YMCA, Marlborough House, 34 Parkside Rd, Reading, RG30 2DD
Have your say on how the Forum is run, meet the Director of Education - Brian Grady and SEND Consultant - Andrea King, enjoy coffee and cake. Flyer attached.
Members* and non-members welcome. Members can vote in our annual trustee elections and help us plan for the forthcoming year. Door opens 6.45 pm for meeting commencing at 7 pm. Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts available soon. A link can be available to join on-line if you are unable to attend in person.
To book your place, please email or telephone/text on
07516 185380
* All parents, guardians or other family carers of children and young people up to age 25 (to 26th birthday) living in the Reading Borough Council area are eligible to join the membership and membership is free. If you are a member and no longer in this category - please email to be taken off the membership list, (but you can remain on the mailing list if you wish, if you no longer qualify as a member - please state this in your email).
We are always looking for members/people to join our steering group and for more Trustees. Flyer attached.
With Kind Regards
On behalf of the Trustees
Reading Families Forum
Registered Charity No. 1166585
A voice for families of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities
June 2024
SEND Summer Holidays 2024 - Short Breaks - Make Sense Theatre
Funded by Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC)
At Make/Sense Theatre, we are pleased to bring back our popular Summer Holiday clubs for 2024. We will be running sessions throughout July and August, based in Reading. We have workshops for young people with SEND aged from 4+. We will be running our Primary Sensory, Secondary Sensory and MLD/SLD groups. Please email if you are unsure which group would be suitable for your young person.
More Information - Reading Directory | SEND Summer Holidays 2024 - Short Breaks - Make Sense Theatre
SEND Short Breaks -Chance to Dance Stars CIC - Dance and Multi Activity Program (includes half terms & summer holidays)
Short breaks are available for Reading children aged 5 years to 18 years old.
We cater for children 5 years to 25 years at all our activities. (discounted short breaks not available for 19-25yrs)
More Information - SEND Short Breaks -Chance to Dance Stars CIC - Dance and Multi Activity Program (includes half terms & summer holidays
SEND Short Breaks - Summer holidays 2024-Reading Play
SEND Summer Holiday Short Breaks Sessions - Provided by Reading Play
Our online booking opens Thursday 27th June 2024.
Reading Play welcomes you to The Ranger Station as your SEND summer provider, we will be holding four sessions on Friday 26th July, Tuesday 6th August, Tuesday 13th August and Tuesday 27th August.
More information - SEND Short Breaks - Summer holidays 2024-Reading Play
More information on short breaks can be found on Reading’s SEND Local Offer - Reading Directory | SEND Short Breaks (all ability activities & overnight breaks)

SEND Short Breaks Summer Play Camps for 5 to 10 year's by Reading FC Community Trust
Our Play camps will be on this summer from the 30th July till the 21st August from 10am - 1pm. The Play Camps will take place at the Avenue School on a Tuesday and Wednesday. They are staffed by an experienced play team who work within SEND settings.
More information Reading Directory | SEND Short Breaks Summer Play Camps for 5 to 10 year's by Reading FC Community Trust
SEND Short Breaks Multi Sports summer camps - Run by Reading FC Community Trust
Our Multi sport camps are back at The Avenue in the summer holiday's running from the 29th July to the 21st August on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:30 - 14:00. This provision is for those aged 8 to 18 years of age.
More information Reading Directory | SEND Short Breaks Multi Sports summer camps - Run by Reading FC Community Trust
April 2024
Please see below information sent on behalf of Brighter Futures for Children regarding SEND short breaks:
Please click on the links below to view full information.
Places get booked quickly, therefore please get in touch with the short breaks provider if you would like to book a session as soon as possible.
Short breaks funded by Brighter Futures for Children
Reading Directory | May Half Term - SEND Play Camp 5 to 10 years RFC Community Trust
Reading Directory | May Half Term - SEND Multi Sport Camps 28th/29th/30th May 2024 - Reading FC Community Trust
Reading Directory | May Half Term 2024- SEND Short Breaks - Reading Play
Reading Directory | SEND Short Breaks - May Half Term 2024 - Make Sense Theatre
Please note that we have a video entry system on the pedestrian gate and Meadowside building. The times the gate will be open are below. For any other times, please press the button to gain access.
Morning Session 08:20 – 08:45 am 11:15 – 11:35 am
Afternoon Session 12:20 – 12:45 pm 3:20 – 3:35 pm
Please can we ask Meadowside parents to wait outside the building before drop off and pick up rather than waiting in the entrance hall in order to allow the office to deal with confidential discussions. If you need to speak to a member of staff please do come in.
Reading Children’s Festival 2024 starts this Saturday 11th May with the Forbury Fiesta, from 11am-4pm in the Forbury Gardens. Further activities and events will take place in and around Reading for all ages until Sunday 2nd June.
The following link is to the Reading Children’s Festival 2024 activities brochure. Reading Children's Festival 2024 - Brochure
To find out more please visit Reading Children’s Festival 2024 - Reading Borough Council
Or visit Reading Children's Festival | Reading | Facebook
Information also available on the Family Information Service website Reading Directory | Reading Children's Festival 2024
March 2024
The Early Years Speech & Language Therapy Team will be visiting Morrisons in Reading on the Health Bus on the 13th March. Our Speech & Language Therapists will be delivering workshops live between 10.30am – 11.30am and be available for any questions before and after. See attached poster for more details.
Information also available on the Family Information Service (FIS) website. Reading Directory | Health Bus - Early Language Workshop
SEND Short Breaks Easter Holiday Sessions - Reading Play
Reading Play welcomes you to The Ranger Station as your SEND half term provider, we will be holding two sessions on the 9th and 11th April 2024.
Each short break day will consist of 2 sessions, unique activity themes for each session like seasonal arts and crafts where young people can take home their work and crafts. Young people will all have access to mini golf, climbing tree, low ropes, archery and more. Each session is 2.5 hours with 8 spaces per session.
Further information and how to book a place can be found here Reading Directory | SEND Short Breaks Easter Holiday Sessions
Reading Play Education Play and Support, Communications & Bookings Officer 01189373283E-
SEND Short Breaks -Chance to Dance Stars CIC - Dance and Multi Activity Program
Short breaks are available for Reading children aged 5 years to 18 years old.
We cater for children 5 years to 25 years at all our activities. (discounted short breaks not available for 19-25yrs)
Chance to Dance Stars CIC will provide group activities for children & young people with disabilities to have new experiences with sport and dance, to have fun and to build upon social and physical needs.
*Note* Cost - £20 per day for anyone outside of Reading.
Reading Residents - Session are partial funded by Brighter Futures for Children. You receive a 50% discount only paying £10 per day. Don't forget to enter your discount code: EQN344. Proof of residence will be required in booking. If your child requires 1:1 you must contact Vicky before booking on or 07736343570
Time 10am till 2pm (sometimes we have to run 9am till 1pm) - Location – Reading. Activities can vary week by week. We will always ask for your feedback.
Sports, dance, drama, singing, arts and crafts, table top games, zumba kids, generation pound, yoga, gymnastics, sensory and messy play.
Further information can be found here Reading Directory | SEND Short Breaks -Chance to Dance Stars CIC - Dance and Multi Activity Program
SEND Easter Holidays 2024 - Short Breaks - Holiday Clubs - Make Sense Theatre
Make/Sense Theatre will be running our ever popular Easter holiday clubs once again this April!
Our different sessions cater for young people aged 4-25+ and are designed in a way to ensure that we are fully inclusive, giving all young people with SEN the opportunity to attend. We will be running our Primary Sensory, Secondary Sensory and MLD groups over the first week of the Easter holidays (Tuesday 2nd April - Friday 5th April). Reading Directory SEND Easter Holidays 2024 - Short Breaks - Holiday Clubs
SEND Easter Holidays 2024 - Short Breaks – Reading FC – will be offering short breaks – awaiting information from Reading FC. Please check the SEND Local Offer later this week - Reading Directory | SEND Short Breaks (all ability activities & overnight breaks)
February 2024
Dear Parents / Carers
You may have noticed the recent BBC news coverage about the increase in measles outbreaks Measles is a highly infectious disease and can be very serious.
We are advising parents and carers to check their child(ren) are up-to-date with their MMR vaccine by checking his or her personal child health record (the Red Book). If this doesn’t help, speak to your GP to check their immunisation history.
Children should receive their first dose of the MMR vaccine when they are one years old and the second at three years and four months old.
If your child(ren) have not had the MMR vaccine or they have not had both doses you can get a vaccine by making an appointment with your GP
Jan 2024
Amber Cold-Health Alert
The UK Health Security Agency has issued an Amber Cold-Health Alert for the South East, which covers Reading Borough. The alert is currently in effect until 12noon on Friday 12 January. This alert means that significant impacts are probable across the health and social care sector. Information on simple actions you can take to keep warm, as well as further guidance on the amber alert can be found on the UKHSA and Met Office’s dashboard.
Brighter Futures for Children are holding a free workshop that helps parents/carers understand emotional wellbeing and emotional regulation in pre-school children.
26 March 2024 1-2.30pm
Civic Offices,
To book your place please contact
Nov 2023
The admissions round for children (born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020) to start Reception Class in September 2024 is now open.
Please read the attached poster to see how to apply.
Helen will be running a support session on 1st December at 11am and 3pm if you have any questions or need any support.New paragraph
We have been sent some support and guidance from Brighter Futures for Children about talking to children about the Israel-Hamas conflict.
If this issue is impacting yourself or your family please come and speak to Helen or Chloe.
Many thanks
Support to explain the difficult concepts associated with current events – news delivery designed for children and young people and provided by Newsround.
Advice for children and young people if they are upset by the news – provided by Newsround.
Place2Be - Talking to children and young people about war and conflict.
Guardian article from February 2022 which was related to the Ukraine war.
Dear parents
We have received the following information from Early Years which may be of interest to you.
Immunising pre-school children against flu
This year’s flu vaccination programme is under way. Children aged 2 and 3 years old (on 31 August) are eligible for a free flu vaccine given as a nasal spray.
Those working in the early years sector have an important role to play in raising awareness to parents about the annual flu vaccination programme for preschool children.
Annual vaccination of children helps provide protection to each child and reduces the spread of flu to their families and the wider community, protecting others who are at increased risk of becoming seriously ill from flu. The flu vaccine also promotes a healthy working environment in nurseries and childcare settings by reducing the risk of flu being spread to others including staff.
Please see Information leaflets and promotion details which include translations in multiple languages.
Household Support Fund of £125 available to eligible households (not per eligible child)
The Household Support grant is funded by the Department of Work and Pensions and is to be utilised between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.
Local authorities can use the funding allocated to them in the way that will most suit the needs of residents. In Reading, funding is allocated as follows:
The Household Support Fund – Application Scheme is now open to residents to apply for support if they are struggling financially (2) Household Support Fund - Reading Borough Council
Information also available on the Family Information Service website Reading Directory | Household Support Fund
Oct 2023
Dear families
Please see the message below from Reading Borough Council regarding help for families:
Household Support Fund applications open
Reading residents on low incomes who may be struggling with the cost of living can now apply for financial aid from RBC’s Household Support Fund. Priority will be given to low-income households who are at higher risk of falling into crisis. Successful applicants will receive an initial payment of £125, although this is subject to change depending on demand.
Householders can apply for support on the council’s website at: paragraph
Please see the below information from Reading Borough Council:
The cost-of-living crisis isn’t going away anytime soon and unfortunately it continues to have the greatest effect on the very people in the town who can least afford it. As we approach winter, costs like heating, energy and food bills may go up and people can find themselves in financial trouble very quickly.
As part of the Council’s Household Support Fund scheme this year, any Reading borough resident can now apply for support. Priority will go to low-income households who are struggling financially. That primarily means those in receipt of low-income benefits or other related state benefits, and residents who are not in receipt of those benefits but have specific circumstances which have negatively impacted their overall cost of living, such as unexpected or increased expenditure.
To find out more about eligibility and what information you will need to provide, go to our
Household Support Fund page, and if you wish to apply you can do so through our online application portal.
The deadline for the first phase of applications is the end of November, with a second phase starting in December and running until the end of March 2024 (households can apply in both phases). Households whose applications are successful will receive an initial payment of £125, although please be aware this figure may change depending on take-up.
Whether you are eligible or not, another reminder that our
Money Matters web pages bring together useful advice and resources on coping with the cost-of-living crisis, from dealing with your housing and utility bills to looking after your welfare and mental health.
May 2023
Dear parents
Norcot has for many years provided student placements in conjunction with colleges/schools for those studying for childcare qualifications.
One of our students, Larisa, is working hard on gaining her qualification and has produced a project document for parents to read and provide feedback.
Please see below the document, the final page has space for you to type in your feedback. If you would prefer to write on a paper copy, this is available in Waterside office for collection. We will pass returned paper forms to Larisa on her next placement day.
For email replies please send to to:
Many thanks for your support.
Norcot Early Years CentreNew paragraph
March 2023
Royal Berks Maternity Partnership wants to hear from mothers
Autism Berkshire is working with the Royal Berkshire Maternity Voices Partnership to increase understanding of the experiences of maternity services of autistic mothers and those from minority communities, to improve care and support at the Royal Berkshire Hospital and from its home birth service.
They are inviting autistic mothers and those from minority communities who live in and around Reading, and are interested in talking about their experiences, to get in touch to take part in a focus group with members of the partnership team.
Click here for more information about this project
To take part
Call the Helpline on 0118 9594 594 (option 1)New paragraph
We have been asked to make you aware of the following alert:
The Government testing of the UK Emergency Alerts Service on Sunday 23rd April could mean that secret phones held by a victim-survivor of domestic abuse could be discovered by a perpetrator if they are near the victim-survivor/secret phone when the alert goes off.
The alert will be sent to all mobile phones and tablets and may make a loud siren-like sound for about 10 seconds, vibrate or read out the alert even if it’s on silent.
If you are a victim-survivor please take mitigating actions, for example turning off your phone/tablet or putting these into airplane mode or changing settings to turn off extreme alerts over the testing time period (This should be found on apple phones under setting – notifications and then scrolling down to the very bottom to extreme alerts, for samsung phones settings-safety and emergency-wireless alerts-extreme alerts for other makes of phones type extreme alerts into the search option).
More details are on How emergency alerts work - GOV.UK ( as well as details on the planned alert on 23rd April which are at About Emergency Alerts - GOV.UK (
February 2023
Healthy Start
In Reading many families with a child under 4 years are missing out on help to buy fresh fruit, vegetables and milk. Parents can find out more and check their eligibility to apply here
London Zoo’s Community Access Scheme
London Zoo is providing discounted tickets for families on low incomes, with tickets from as little as £3 per person, as part of their Community Access Scheme. To qualify, families must be in receipt of either: Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support or Jobseeker’s Allowance.
The £3 tickets are available for the whole family (under 3’s go free), only at the zoo entrance (not online) from 11am every day of the week, and the current offer runs until the end of March 2023. For further information, please visit London Zoo’s Community Access Scheme page Community Access Scheme | London Zoo
January 2023
We would like to remind you of a few points from our intimate care policy with regards to nappy changing in the nursery school.
We are finding that staff are spending an increased amount of time changing nappies, this takes them away from interacting with the children and providing learning opportunities to help them with their development.
We would really appreciate it if you could support of with the points above. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to talk to us.New paragraph
Please see the below link with information from the government regarding high levels of Flu, Covid-19 and Scarlet Fever as children return to school:
Group A strep translated information packs
Letters to parents about Group A strep are now available in a number of different languages on the Department of Health & Social Care Campaign Resource Centre. The latest letters have amended working relating to the rash on different skin colours.