Staff Induction at Norcot

Norcot is very proactive in ensuring and offering training to all staff. Some training is required for compliance and others are offered in order to upskill staff. All new staff are required to undertake Safeguarding, Prevent Training, Health & Safety, GDPR & Cyber Security Training,  First Aid and Food safety training is offered dependant on role.

Safeguarding training is provided by our Safeguarding Lead Helen Walsh, if this training cannot be provided face to face straight away on line training is provided in the Interim.

Induction Training

For all of the courses below - if a certificate is issued please print and give to Lyn Dunk or email to so we can update your training records


Universal Safeguarding Training link to training

Safeguarding Children E-Learning


Please use the link above.

You don’t need to create a username and password to access the training. You can login as a guest.

This e-learning guide aims to help you understand abuse, how to recognise it and what to do if you suspect a child needs protection. This programme has been updated and is suitable for Childminders and Support Staff in PVI Settings who do not have Designated Officer responsibility. Managers and Designated Officers are required to attend the 6hr face to face training.


The programme has been developed and funded by the West of Berkshire LSCB Training group. It can also be used as a "bridge" for those staff that require formal, face-to-face training which is required to meet level 1 standards for their role and also as refresher training. The programme is open to staff within health, police, probation, local authority as well as the private, independent and voluntary sectors.

Prevent E-Learning

All staff do course 1 the Awareness course. DSL & DDSL's do course 2 & 3 as well

PREVENT link to training

GDPR & Cyber Security

This is provided through Judicium. 

Your Norcot email address is your user name you will be sent log in details

JUDICIUM link to GDPR training & Cyber Security

Fraud Awareness

Fraud Awareness Link Log in details

Food Hygiene & Safety Training

This is provided by High speed training you will be sent details of how to log on if this applies to you
Food Hygiene & Safety Training
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